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Below "Contents" you may use paths to filter materials by type. There are currently 58 Pamphlets, 12 Broadsides, seven Manuscripts, seven Political Cartoons, and five German Translations. The Background path aggregates 13 related items published between 1755-1774, and the Multiple Editions path features 11 pamphlets for which we have digitized more than one edition of each item.
Finally, you can use the Search button to search across item names, metadata, and transcriptions. (We ask your patience as Scalar crawls more than 1,200 items loaded into the site.) At any point you return to this or any other path using the Table of Contents, accessible from the menu in the top left corner of the screen.
Paxton Materials (alphabetically arranged)
- An Act for Preventing Tumults and Riotous Assemblies
- The Addition to the Epitaph
- An Address of Thanks to the Wardens of Christ Church and St. Peters
- An Address to the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Province of Pennsylvania
- The Address of the People Called Quakers
- An Address to the Rev. Dr. Alison
- An Answer to Mr. Franklin's Remarks on a Late Protest
- An Answer to the Pamphlet "Entitled the Conduct of the Paxton Men"
- Apology of the Paxton Volunteers
- A Battle! A Battle!
- A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania
- By the Honourable John Penn
- The Cheat Unmasked
- The Conduct of the Paxton Men Impartially Represented
- A Conference Between the Devil and Doctor Dove
- Cool Thoughts on the Present Situation of Our Public Affairs
- Copy of a Letter From Charles Read
- The Counter Medley
- The Curse of Meroz
- A Declaration and Remonstrance
- The Delineated Presbyterian Played Hob With
- A Dialogue Between Andrew Trueman and Thomas Zealot
- A Dialogue, Containing Some Reflections on the Late "Declaration and Remonstrance"
- Ein Schon weltlich Lied
- Eine dem hochedlen Herrn Guvernor
- Eine Lustige Aria
- The Election, a Medley
- Explanatory Remarks on the Assembly's Resolves
- Franklin and the Quakers
- The German Bleeds and Bears Ye Furs
- An Historical Account of the Late Disturbance
- An Historical Account of the Late Disturbance (Reprinted)
- Historische Nachricht von dem neulich in Lancaster Caunty
- A Humble Attempt at Scurrility
- An Indian Squaw King Wampum Spies
- Israel Pemberton, Captive Inquiry
- A Letter From a Clergyman in Town
- A Letter From a Gentleman at Elizabeth Town to his Friend in New York
- A Letter From a Gentleman in Transilvania to his Friend in America
- A Letter from Batista Angeloni
- A Letter From Batista Angeloni (Reprinted)
- The Life and Adventures of a Certain Quaker Presbyterian Indian Colonel
- A Little Looking-Glass for the Times
- A Looking-Glass for Presbyterians (Inscribed: J. Arbo)
- A Looking-Glass for Presbyterians (Numb. I)
- The Lottery: A Dialogue Between Mr. Thomas Trueman and Mr. Humphrey Dupe
- A Narrative of the Late Massacres
- A Narrative of the Late Massacres (Inscribed: From James Pemberton to William Cobbett) - Title Page
- A New Song in High Vogue in Northampton County
- Observations on a Late "Epitaph"
- The Paxton Boys: a Farce
- The Paxton Boys: a Farce (Second Edition)
- The Paxton Expedition
- The Paxtoniade
- The Paxtoniade (Second Edition)
- The Plain Dealer, Numb. I
- The Plain Dealer, Numb. II
- The Plain Dealer, Numb. III
- Protestation gegen die Bestellung Herrn Benjamin Franklin
- The Quaker Unmasked
- The Quaker Unmasked (Second Edition)
- The Quaker Vindicated
- The Quakers Assisting to Preserve the Lives of the Indians
- The Quakers Grace, Prayer, and Thanksgiving
- Remarks on a late protest against the appointment of Mr. Franklin
- Remarks on the Quaker Unmasked
- Remarks upon "The Delineated Presbyterian Played Hob With"
- Sam Patterson to Levi Hollingsworth - 28 June 1774
- A Serious Address (First Edition)
- A Serious Address (Second Edition)
- A Serious Address (Third Edition)
- A Scene in the First Act of the New Farce
- The Scribbler
- Several Conferences Between Some of the Principal People Amongst the Quakers in Pennsylvania
- The Squabble (First Edition)
- The Squabble (Second Edition)
- The Squabble (Third Edition)
- The Substance of a Council Held at Lancaster
- The Substance of an Exercise had this Morning in Scurrility Hall
- Thomas Penn correspondence - 18 December 1763
- Thomas Penn correspondence - 23 December 1763
- Thomas Penn correspondence - 17 March 1764
- Thomas Penn correspondence - 5 May 1764
- To William Denny - 14 July 1758
- True Copy of a Letter From a Member of St. Paul's
- Unanimity and Public Spirit
- What is Sauce for a Goose is also Sauce for a Gander
- What is Sauce for a Goose is also Sauce for a Gander (LCP copy)