Digital Paxton: Digital Collection, Critical Edition, and Teaching Platform

Public Outreach

While Digital Paxton is intended to serve scholars, it is by design a public digital humanities project. To promote public engagement, Will Fenton regularly presents updates to a range of audiences at a host of different platforms. 

The project, and resulting graphic novel Ghost River: The Fall and Rise of the Conestoga, have been featured in academic journals (American QuarterlyCommon-placeJournal of Interactive Teaching & Pedagogy), general interest publications (Albuquerque JournalPennLive.comPhiladelphia Inquirer, and WHYY), special interest publications (American IndianEducation Week, History News Magazine, and Humanities Magazine), podcasts (Code Switch and Our Fake History), and other media (C-SPAN and Pennsylvania Cable Network).

Artwork for the graphic novel were even featured in Ken Burns's latest documentary on Benjamin Franklin.

To explore the project's public history, click through the timeline below. You may use the arrow to the right to cycle ahead, or click on any milestone title to access the original article. We will continue new events and publications as they become available.

Visitors may follow updates using Twitter or Facebook. Contact the editor using the Contact page.

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  1. Digital Paxton Will Fenton

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