Digital Paxton: Digital Collection, Critical Edition, and Teaching Platform


Welcome to Digital Paxton Transcriptions. Given the scope of materials in Digital Paxton, we invite our visitors to contribute transcriptions using our FromThePage. We are currently soliciting transcriptions of our Friendly Association manuscripts. You may contribute as many or as few transcriptions as you wish--you may even transcribe as a guest. 

Given that our transcription conventions differ slightly from those of FromThePage, we encourage visitors to familiarize themselves with our best practices. 

To support the effort, Kate Johnson, Marie Pellissier, and Kelly Schmidt, graduate students at Loyola University Chicago, have collected some transcription best practices and created a short guide to using FromThePage. You may access both reference guides by following the path listed below Contents.

At present, about half of the Paxton corpus has been transcribed. Additional transcriptions, accessible as fully-searchable annotations, will be added on a regular basis and announced via social media. Visit Transcribed Records for a complete listing of materials.

If you're an educator and you would like to integrate a transcriptions assignment into your classroom, please connect with the editor using the Contact page.

This page has paths:

  1. Digital Paxton Will Fenton

Contents of this path:

  1. Transcription Best Practices
  2. Using FromThePage

This page references: