12016-09-26T15:09:26-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650a72001(annotation)plain2016-09-26T15:09:26-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650awe could make with them, in hopes for the Future they wou’d rest satisfied, and in their Way, endeavour for an honest Living by Hunting, &c. which Trade with us in my Opinion, for their Skins and Furrs, wou’d be valuable; and the Heart scald, that now subsists among People; chiefly on their Account, wou’d weare away; on the other Hand if they should misbehave, there are Men enough here, and more will be very soon here, and be able to follow them into their Towns, and undoubtedly take full Satisfaction, for any Insults they dare commit. If we rightly inform’d, our Mother Country had always some Jealousy of our 'behaviour one Day or other, and in this Situation of Things, there is a beginning made. SOLOMON says: A rod for the Fools back, and we shall have it, a standing Army to maintain.
Contents of this annotation:
12016-08-19T12:59:20-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650aAn Historical Account of the Late Disturbance (Reprinted) - 81An historical account, of the late disturbance, between the inhabitants of the back settlements; of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphians, &c. : Impartially related by a well wisher. The second edition, may be called a piracy. I said printed at Rome: I meant nothing but printed in Second-Street, by Andrew Steuars-Stockfish.2016-08-19T12:59:20-07:00Well wisher.Reprinted (References Second Edition)HSP Am 1764 His Ar 64 H 67a[Philadelphia] : Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in Moravian-Alley., [1764]Signed: From a true countryman. Date of publication supplied by Evans.8 p. ; 18 cmEvans, C. American bibliography, 9697; English short title catalogue (ESTC), W8663; Hildeburn, C.R. Pennsylvania, 200378Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650a
12016-08-19T12:59:18-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650aAn Historical Account of the Late Disturbance - 81An historical account, of the late disturbance, between the inhabitants of the back settlements; of Pennsylvania, and the Philadelphians, &c. Impartially related by a well wisher.2016-08-19T12:59:18-07:00Well wisher.LCP Am 1764 His 795.D.1[Philadelphia] : Printed [by Anthony Armbruster] at Rome, by A.S, [1764]Signed on p. 8: From a true countryman. A subsequent impression (Evans 9697, Hildeburn 2003) has imprint: "Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in Moravian-Alley." That impression notes on the title page: "[Fist] The second edition, may be called a piracy. I said printed at Rome: I meant nothing but [cross] Printed in Second-Street, by Andrew Steuars-Stockfish." A.S. and Andrew Steuars-Stockfish evidently refer to Andrew Steuart, who also printed an edition of the work (not in Evans or Bristol).8 p. ; 8�.Evans, C. American bibliography, 9696; English short title catalogue (ESTC), W39302; Hildeburn, C.R. Pennsylvania, 2002 200288Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650a