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What is Sauce for a Goose is also Sauce for a Gander - 4

From an early Desire, that portended
Implanted in his original
To have Power lodged
In his own Hands,
He most tyranically opposed,
And even insulted
The highest order of Men.
And by an Address, peculiar to himself,
He found the Way to climb to Promotion
Upon the Shoulders of FRIENDS
Whom a few Years before
He proposed to, and even boasted that he would,
Thus, rising by degrees        (Ruin
From the meanest Circumstances
To a Politician of the first Magnitude,
He became perfectly acquainted
With every Zig Zag Machination,
And* triming Contrivance,
Peculiar to that Science.

*Although we would not tire our Readers with a train of Circumstances, yet the following instances of the Great Doctor’s Triming we are oblig’d to mention, out of pure Respect to Truth, which some of his Advocates, at Times, do not seem to Venerate sufficiently.

It can be made appear upon Oath, That when the Counties of York and Berks were set off, and contrary to the Charter allow’d but one or two Representatives a piece, Mr. F------ said, in Vindication of the Measure, “That a Majority of Dutch lived in those Counties, it was not proper to allow them to sit in the Assembly in an English Government.”

At another Time, in a Piece that he published in the Gentleman’s Magazine, concerning peopling the Colonies, He loudly complains “That so many Palatine Boors are suffered to swarm into our Settlements, and by herding together, establish their Language and Manners,” And yet he pretends to be the Friends and Patron of those people.

It is also well known, that he once proposed to a very considerable Gentleman in this City, that they should Unite in Order to demolish the Quakers entirely; and he never forgave that Gentleman for refusing him. Even when he was last in England, tho’ supported by the Influence of those very People, He privately made a Merit of it, That he had effectually put an End to their growth in this province.

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