The Substance of a Council Held at Lancaster - 10
Having called a Sessions about the ensuing Election, I expatiated upon the Advantages we shou'd reap in opposing the K—g, and adhering to the P—r; the many distinguishing Marks of his Favor he hath shour'd upon Presbyterians in particular, above any other Denomination in Pennsylvania; and that ever memorable Charter for the Incorporation of Presbyterian Ministers to raise a Fund for their Widows and poor Ministers;—(you know that is to raise a Fund for all of us, for we can all justly plead Poverty; his own liberal Donation, and the generous Encouragement he gave to the Collection when our Agent was in England. Here I was going on with a Dissertation as long as a Sacrament Sermon, and as much to the Purpose, when I was interrupted by my impertinent Elder, who undertook to be Mouth for the rest of his Brethren, and said.
I never understood that the Clergy had any