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The Substance of a Council Held at Lancaster - 6

be buffetted, till absolv'd by the Kirk, according to the Plan laid down by the Reverend Mr. * Knox. Such my Brethren, are the Advantages we shall assuredly reap, if we are able to carry our point at the ensuing Election; for that End is this Meeting appointed, that we may fall upon such ways and means as will be the most likely to accomplish it. Dr A—n and I put W—n; (who you know was cast out of our Presbytaries for kissing a Girl behind a Bush in Sermon time on the Sabbath) upon writing that stupid Epitaph on Mr. F—n; and altho' it is stuff'd with such palpable Falshoods, yet the ignorant Dutch, who are no Witches, swallow it down with the greatest Avidity. If they once get a Story by the end, it is hard beating it out of them; however, if it holds them 'till the first of October is over, we don't care how soon they are undeceiv'd afterwards.

In order to cajole the Church of England we have agreed that several of out Members be chosen from among them; but as their Principles are all for Monarchy Dr.—S—h has undertaken to make them as good Republicans as ourselves: And altho' we despise the Man from our Hearts, and look upon him in the most contemptible Light, as one who blew up Mr. B—y in England; discovered the Artifice we

* See p. 33d.

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