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The Quakers Grace, Prayer, and Thanksgiving


On Sunday Sixth, Tenth Month, 1765, for their late Victory over the Rebels, in their Province of Quylsylvania, in electing Law-Makers for the same.

The silly Mob in Crouds doth run,
To be at easy Rates undone,
A Gin-Crack Show draws in the Rout,
And Thousands their, all by Pence lay out.
Go on, and prosper, and think you are great,
We’ll be to you a puny Cheat.

O Father of all Nature, bless we beseech thee, this our good Work, in keeping thy own People, (Israel) to give Law here, bless all of us thy Churches here and elsewhere, being in the Wilderness among Boars, Bears and Wolves; root out from amongst us all Anti-Christian of most abominable Irish and Dutch Presbyterians: Let not those Dirt Worm, Magpies have any Dominion over us, give us true Primitive Teachers, such as Lay-Elders, Reverend Tanners, religious Basket-Makers, upright Cobblers, conscientious Taylors, reform’d Weavers, and insipit’d Boom-Men, Root out from amongst us, that they appear not in our Streets, that rag of Supperstition, the Surplice and the Gown; and let these large friz’d Wigs, and those with Tails resembling the old Serpent, be done away. The Apostles were Men ignorant and simple, and so are we, demolish the Academy and Colege, that we get rid of that filfthy Pest; for that and all such are Nursery’s of vain Learning: Greek is an Heathenish Speech, and Latin the Language of the Beast; and all Philosophy is vain: Bless, we beseech thee, they Family, and especially our Sifters, that there may never be wanting a fruitful Generation, (so as to extricate all our Enemies to a Man,) springing from the Loins of regenerate Parents. Lastly, we come until thee for a Blessing on our Dinner: (for it was at the Table, where a great Assembly of these People had been invited to Dine,) bless these Tripes, and these Loins of Veal; for it was a Molten Calf that made Israel of old to sin; also these Capons: For it was a Cock’s Crowing that made Peter repent; these Turkeys, altho’ no Christian Fowls, yet thou hast commanded us to pray for all Jews, Turks, Infidels and Hereticks.

And altho’ we have Hebrews Books enough, yet bless these Potatoes; and these Custards, for the Land of Canaan flow’d with Milk and Honey; these Tarts: For thy Judgements are Tarts, unless allay’d with the Sugar of thy Mercy; sowse us therefore in the Powdering Tub of thy Mercy, that we may be Tripes fit for thy heavenly Table. Water us, young Shrubs, with a Dew of thy Blessing, that we may grow up into tall Oaks, and may live to be saw’d ot into Deal Boards to Wainscot thy New Jerusalem. Finally; let this Dinner improve and nourish our Bodies, so that we may, with Love and Holiness, embrace our Sifters, to the edifying of the Spirit, in raising up the new Map.

published the 14th 8th 1765 Philadelphia

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