12016-08-19T12:59:09-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650aThe Quakers Assisting to Preserve the Lives of the Indians - Book Plate1The Quakers assisting to preserve the lives of the Indians in the barracks, vindicated and proved to be consistent with reason, agreeable to our law, hath an inseperable connection with the law of God, and exactly agreeable with the principles of the people call'd Quakers. [Fourteen lines of quotations]2016-08-19T12:59:09-07:00Philanthropos.LCP Am 1764 Qua 795.D.5Philadelphia : Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in Moravian Alley, 1764.Signed on p. 13: Philanthropos.16p. ; 8�.Evans, C. American bibliography, 980629Book PlateWill Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650a