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The Quakers Assisting to Preserve the Lives of the Indians - 10 (No. II)

dom, when they were sent to Destroy it. They found but Righteous Lot; I can find but Righteous John Cotton, whose Principles and Practice I am fond of publishing to the World: He was a Presbyterian, and I believe the best Preacher, as well as the best Man they had among them; he ever opposed Persecution, and gave his Reason for it in the following Words, viz. I remember how at our Departure from England, I preached on Acts the 4th v. 11. And shewed from that Text, that there was an inward Grace, which was to be minded, and that therefore, I will not give my Vote for Persecuting the Asserters of that Doctrine? I don’t see how the Presbyterians can be angry at me, for they may see how, impartially I deal, between them and the Quakers; and that it’s really for want of Matter that I don’t praise them more: Well, at last, those Persecutors had to give an Account at the Righteous Judgment Seat of Heaven, and there receive their Sentence, for that cursed Act, and the Land groans (if the word may be allowed) under the load of that Innocent Blood, to this Day; yet the same Principels, and Spirit, seems to Rule in that Society; at this Time, as did in their Brethren I have just been speaking of; (though I believe not all; I believe there is good Men amongst them;) but oh! their Leaders, their Leaders, cause GOD’s People to Err; (observe) the Prophet when speaking of Israel, saveth the Leaders of my People cause them to Err; these I suppose to be the Priests, and their Adhearants, among the Pharisees; for they in common had the Rule in Church and State, viz. The Prophet doth not say, those Leaders

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