The Quakers Assisting to Preserve the Lives of the Indians - 10
12017-06-28T13:30:48-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650a72001(annotation)plain2017-06-28T13:30:48-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650athe Barracks their Asylum, they were to be protected by the Royal Law,---Then I say that every loyal Subject (present) in the Kingdom of Christ were bligated to lend their Assistance,--But why are the Quakers blam’d more than any other Denomination, seeing the Church, Annabaptist and even Romans join’d as one Man, whose Minister as I have been told, cautioned his Hearers with whatever you do, don’t join the Rebells, but if you act, let it be in behalf of the Province, this was true Loyalty. “Of all Denomination of People that dwelleth upon the Earth, he that feareth God, i.e. payeth a just Regard to his Laws, and worketh Righteousness, shall be saved.” I think there is no prudent man that will say all they have done for it; was no other than in Obedience to the Law of Heaven in building a City of Refuge, to secure their Neighbours from premeditated Murder, because they have Experience in the Instance of Lancaster, that Walls build with Hands, could be a Place of no Safety, neither do I conceive that any other Measures would have succeeded, but by honest acting as the royal Law directs.---Hower, this I am sure, there is no one can make it appear inconsistent with the strictest Rules of Justice.---And under the Blessing of Heaven, it answered all the good Purposes desired---Surely
Contents of this annotation:
12016-08-19T13:01:03-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650aThe Quakers Assisting to Preserve the Lives of the Indians - 101The Quakers assisting to preserve the lives of the Indians in the barracks, vindicated and proved to be consistent with reason, agreeable to our law, hath an inseperable connection with the law of God, and exactly agreeable with the principles of the people call'd Quakers. [Fourteen lines of quotations]2016-08-19T13:01:03-07:00Philanthropos.LCP Am 1764 Qua 795.D.5Philadelphia : Printed by Anthony Armbruster, in Moravian Alley, 1764.Signed on p. 13: Philanthropos.16p. ; 8�.Evans, C. American bibliography, 98062910Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650a