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The Plain Dealer, Numb. II - 8

And pray let me ask the Gentleman, whether he has not been able to discover that other Governments contain Stamina equally destructive of the Being? Or whether he is of opinion that the Misfortune of being unite to such fatal Stamina, are peculiar only to those of the Proprietary Form? Tho’ I must confess he would have acted imprudently if he had, as that would have frustrated the Design for which the ingenious Remark was made.

ALTHO’ he “is not Philosopher enough to develop those Principles;” yet if he can make People believe they are peculiar to Proprietary Forms, his Point will be gained; which he endeavors to do at all Events, and when Arguments fail,----then by a prophetick Spirit, we are assured “they are all hastening to an End.” I should be glad he would enquire of his Familiar, when we are to expect it, and whether by those Means which his Letter is calculated to promote? By this we shall be able to determine what Degree of Credit is due to his Revelation.

ANOTHER Argument in favour of a Change, which is not to be answered, we have next to contend with;---Which is no less than the Weakness of the present Government; “Mobs assemble and kill (we scarce dare say Murder) Numbers of innocent People in cold Blood, who are under the Protection of the Government.” Now, had we been under the immediate Government of the King, it would have been impossible that this should have happened, because the people who murdered the innocent BILL SOC, &c. &c. &c. would have been disarmed of their Resentment for the loss of their Parents and Friends, that were killed by the Indians, from the Consideration of its being a King’s Government, as there was nothing else to prevent it.----”Not a Magistrate dares wag a Finger towards discovering or apprehending the Delinquents, (we must not call them Murderers),” for (he might have added) as it was not a King’s Government, they could have no right to intermeddle. “They assemble again, with Arms in their Hands, approach the Capital,---the Government truckles,---condescends to cajole

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