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The Plain Dealer, Numb. I - 17

The Proprietor is our Governor under the King, and he nominates a Lieutenant-Governor for his Majesty’s approbation. Can this circumstance ever be mended? It is impossible his Majesty should be acquainted with the many thousand officers who are in his service. Even in a King’s government we must expect to Governor whom some body has recommended to his Majesty. My lord Some-body as a friend, who has a cousin, who needs a place, or stands in some other body’s way: Him he recommends to the prime minister, &c. and so we may come by a Governor. And the question now is, Who shall recommend our Governor to his Majesty, shall the Proprietor? who must naturally be desirous of the growth of this province; or must some Nobleman or other? who, perhaps, knows and cares little about it.

We have had one trial already of a Governour the Proprietor did not chuse to recommend, i.e. Governor D----Y. We know he oblig’d you much: And a few such Governors would do for us all.----But the change of a Governor is not the only thing we are to expect; if we must have a change, we shall have a thorough one. For if we get a new government, the Parliament must alter our Charter such, and then we shall have new privileges and new laws. We know what we have, and we can hardly get better, but we may get worse, when it will be too late to repent. It is very probably that we shall soon have stamp-

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