The Paxton Expedition
Come all ye Brave Delphia's, and Listen to Me.
A Story of Truth, I'll unfold onto thee
It's of the Paxtonians, as you shall Hear:
Who Caused this City in Arms to appear.
Brave P....n then Assembled his Council with Speed.
The Inhabitants too for there ne'er was more need
To go to the State House and there to Attend,
With all the Learn'd Arguments that could be pen'd.
To shew their Loyalty, some they did Sign,
Others wav'd in their minds, but at last did decline
For to go to the Barrack's their duty to Do;
Over some Indians who never were true.
There was Lawyers & Doctors & Children in Swarms,
When had more need of Nurses, than to carry Arms
The Q.....s so peaceable as you will Find;
Who never before to Arms were Inclined.
To kill the Paxtonians, they then did Advance,
With Guns on their Shoulder's, but how did they prance;
When a troop of Dutch Butcher's came to help them to fight,
Some down with their guns ran away in a Fright.
Their Cannon they drew up to the Court House,
For fear that the Paxtons, the Meeting wold force,
When the Orator mounted upon the Court Steps
And very gentely the Mob he dimis'd.