Digital Paxton: Digital Collection, Critical Edition, and Teaching Platform

The Paxton Boys: a Farce - 3

Exp. About three hours ago Sir.
Gov. What Road are they coming.
Exp. The Germantown Road Sir.
Gov. How many are they.
Exp. As near as I could guess about 1500 Sir.
Gov. Servants, Go alarm the City, ring the Bells, alarm the Watch, alarm the Constables.
Serv. Yes Sir.
Gov. Knock at the Inhabitants Doors and desire them to repair to the Court-House.
Serv. Yes Sir, (Exit Express and Servants)
Watchman. Thump, thump, Rap, rap, rap, ket up, ket up.
Citizens. What's the Matter.
Watch. I ton't no.
Citiz. Is there Fire, where is it, where is it.
Watchm. No, no, tish no Fire, the G—r sais you must ket up top of the Court-Howshe.

Thump Thump Thump along,
(Exit Watchmen.)

The Cause invites in Crouds we fly,
To join the Noisy routfull cry;
What Joys from Cares and Plagues all Day,
To hye to the Court-House, hark away:
The Brisk, the Bold, the Young, the Gay,
All hye to the Court-House, hark away.
The brisk, the bold, &c.


The Citizens all in Arms, the Company's

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