The Address of the People Called Quakers - 5
Yet as Members of Civil Society, Services sometimes occur, which we do not judge expedient to become the Subject of the Consideration of our Religious Meetings, and of this Nature is the Association formed by a Number of Persons in religious Profession with us, of which on this Occasion it seems incumbent on us to give some Account to the Governor; as their Conduct is misrepresented in Order to calumniate and reproach us as a Religious Society, to the Insinuations and Slanders in the Papers sent by the Governor, arid particularly in the unsign’d Declaration, on behalf of a Number of Armed Men on the Sixth Inst, then approaching the' City from distant Parts of the Province to the disturbance of the public Peace.
In the Spring of the Year 1756 the Distress of the Province being very great, and the desolating Calamities of a general Indian War apprehended at the Instance of the Provincial Interpreter CONRAD WEISER, and with the Approbation of Governor MORRIS, some Members of our Society essay’d to promote a Reconciliation with the Indians, and their Endeavours being blessed with Success, the happy Effects thereof were soon manifest; and a real Concern for the then deplorable