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Remarks upon "The Delineated Presbyterian Played Hob With" - 7

your Dictator.”---I can hardly keep my Patience to hear him talk at so ridiculous a Rate; surely our Author hath not wrote himself to such a Pitch of Vanity, as to imagine that his ungrammatical Scribling will destroy the least Part of that Gentleman’s unspotted Fame; his Life and Manners will refute all he hath advanc’d; and with Confidence I say it, his Virtues are full Proof against all his malicious Inventions; and for him to undertake to censure and condemn the conduct of one so much his superior, only exposes his own Weakness and renders him liable to be compar’d to the Puppy who bark’d at the Moon.

Page the 9th. “I know, from your Youth, that you were capable to excogitate Lyes with a better Grace, than any of your Schoolmates, who have often employed you to save their Posteriors from the Ceremony of the Birch.” Concerning this Assertion, I shall not pretend to say a great deal; save, that our Pamphleteer hath paid a great Acknowledgement for past Favours; for how he comes to be so particularly acquainted with that Gentleman’s Benevolence, in saving his School-fellows from a Whipping, unless Experience hath taught him, I shall not venture to decide.

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