Digital Paxton: Digital Collection, Critical Edition, and Teaching Platform

Remarks upon "The Delineated Presbyterian Played Hob With" - 6

Truth; nor to vindicate the Actions of a Set of Murderers and Rioters, destitute of the Principles of Humanity.” Now supposing this Gentleman to have wrote that infamous Piece, (the contrary of which I affirm) in what Part of it does he countenance Murderers and Rioters? Is it when he tells us he would, but no means attempt to justify the killing of Indians while under the Protection of the Government? Or was it when we were in such Confusion, upon the first Alarm, of the Paxton People being on the Road arm’d, whose Intentions were not suppos’d to be the best; at which Time he chearfully offer’d himself to go meet them, and stop their Progress if possible? Or was it at Germantown, when he expostulated, advis’d, threatned and us’d his utmost Interest to prevail with them to return to their respective Habitations?----Thus you see, we have fairly convicted Mr. Delineator of a notorious Falshood.

Page the seventh he tells us “it is impossible you can recover your usual Credit but by a sincere and public Acknowledgement, that you were prompted thereto by Envy, Hatred, and Malice, and that the Father of Lyes was

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