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Letter from Albrecht Ludolph Russmeyer to Nathanael Seidel, January 2, 1764 - 3

if their plan for the Indians falls through. May He bring their plans to nought and cover His little Flock with His Wings. We belong to Him and are silent before Him.

They are supposed to have threatened Lancaster as well and to have said, “You peacefully drink your tea and coffee etc., live carefree, and we have to stand constantly at the ready on the borders expecting to be destroyed by Indians. We want to come live with you.” O, my dear heart, it looks terrible. Praise and thanks to God, that we have found our little nest blessedly in His arms. This is our comfort and support.

We have had blessed holy days and the Holy Communion. Our Brethen and Sisters were gripped anew and right content. Of course in these troubled times many a one is disturbed by thoughts, but we point them to Him in all hardship.

Since you all heard via Expresses about the events in the prison on the 27th Dec. I will mention them. Their burial was shameful, like dogs all 14 of them were thrown into a hole on top of one another without a blanket or covering, and the bystanders said: ‘Just as it should be,’ and cursed and reproached them.

Now, my dear Heart! I commend myself together with my dear ones to the further love and concern of you and dear Anna Johanna and remain through Grace your poor Heart Rusmeyer.

[Translated by Roy Ledbetter]

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