12018-08-15T16:57:16-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650aThe Gentleman’s Magazine - April 1764 (Account of the Murder of a Tribe of Indians in Pennsylvania)4(path)gallery2018-08-17T16:03:23-07:001764Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1793.LancasterHistory.org. Papers regarding the Paxton Boys and the Conestoga Massacre, 1764-1766, 1795 (MG-614).Written by Benjamin Franklin and submitted by "J. H." Published in The Gentleman's Magazine, St. John's Gate, London. Account provides a narrative of the Conestoga Massacre, decries the act, emphasizes that the victims were ostensibly under English protection, and unfavorably compares the massacre to guest right customs of other cultures.Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650a
12018-08-15T17:00:19-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650aThe Gentleman’s Magazine - December 1795 (Letter from Pennsylvania to a Friend in England)3(path)gallery2018-08-17T16:07:26-07:001795Jardin, L.S.LancasterHistory.org. Papers regarding the Paxton Boys and the Conestoga Massacre, 1764-1766, 1795 (MG-614).Published by L. S. Jardine, M. D. in The Gentleman’s Magazine. Advertises Northumberland County as a developing community, a contrast to the frontier described thirty years earlier.Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650a
12018-08-15T16:52:16-07:00Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650aManuscript Copy of Remonstrance, February 13, 17642(path)gallery2018-08-15T16:53:16-07:001764Smith, Matthew.LancasterHistory.org. Papers regarding the Paxton Boys and the Conestoga Massacre, 1764-1766, 1795 (MG-614).Manuscript copy of remonstrance from Matthew Smith and James Gibson to Governor John Penn. They position themselves as representatives of public opinion, submit nine points that decry the perceived underrepresentation of the western counties in the Assembly and bill changing trial location of persons charged with killing Indians, allege that Indians under government protection conspired with others to plan attacks, lament lack of public funds for the care of wounded frontier residents, request new bounties for Indian scalps, request embargo to effect return of captives, accuse private individuals of trading and treating with enemies of the province, and requests Fort Augusta garrison be ordered to take more proactive measures. Handwritten copy, perhaps draft. 13 February 1764. Gift of Paul and Judy Ware, 2009.Will Fenton82bf9011a953584cd702d069a30cbdb6ef90650a