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Friends' Address to the Governor, April 1756 - 1

We cannot without the utmost regret observe the sorrowfull
alteration in affairs of this once peacefull province, [obliterated text]
[obliterated text] 
which was established & founded upon the principles of
Equity, truth, & Righteousness & thro’ the mercy & protection
of the King of Kings, & a wise adherence to [obliterated text] those
principles, this colony encreased & flourished to a very
remarkable Degree even for the time superior to any upon
this continent. But it is now a scene of bloodshed
[obliterated text] and distressed by the cruel ravages of Warr
Many of us being painfully affected with this [obliterated text]
mournfull change of affairs. Beg leave with great
respect & deference to approach the governor and in
this important crisis [obliterated word’ tp assure him
Our hearts are by no means insensible of the calamities of
our fellow subjects, nor are we unwilling to contribute to their
relief all in our power. It is not from the Motives of Avarice
or cowardice, we distinguish ourselves by our inaction
But being persuaded in our conscience we are called to bear
a testimony to the reign of the peaceable Savior [obliterated text] whose

[Transcribed by Christopher Parrack]

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