Apology of the Paxton Volunteers - 5
Does this Conclusion seem to [sic] severe to [any?] or not sufficiently supported? Let us attend a little to some other Facts, which appear to us to confirm the same Judgement of them.] ‘Tis true that the Assembly last year voted 800 men to guard the Frontiers. But had the Design been to have sent so many to have only looked on the Ravages that were committed amongst the back Setlers without giving them the least assistance, it could not have been more effectually executed. They were prohibited by Law from going over the Boundaries of the purchased Lands after the Enemy altho this power was granted to the Gov. by the Royal Ch. Every Person in the Province saw that his was only to insult our Distresses. For 100,000 men could not have guarded 200 miles of a Frontier against the Invassions of the Savages in this manner. Whereas 800 men might have done great Service, had they been allowed authorized [sic] to follow them into their own country. There were a thousand chances to one