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An Address to the Rev. Dr. Alison - 29

possible Means, to discover and secure the Principals concerned in this outrageous Act, and their Accomplices. I am also preparing a Proclamation, ordering and requiring all Officers, civil and military, and all His Majesty's Subjects in this Government, to be aiding and assisting to the Magistrates in the Execution of the Laws on this unhappy Occasion.—Such of the Conestogoe Indians as had the good Fortune to escape the Fury of the abovementioned lawless Party, are now taken under the Protection of the Magistracy at Lancaster, and are secured in the Workhouse there, but are in great Distress for Want of Necessaries and Apparel, having lost every Thing, except the little they had on their Backs, in their Houses, which were burnt.—As they do not apprehend themselves to be safe where they are, they have, by a verbal Message by one of your Members, requested of me that they may be removed to this City, or its Neighbourhood; and I am very ready to comply immediately with their Desire, provided you will enable me to defray the Expence of it.

AND in another Message, dated January 3, 1764, his Honour has these Words, viz.

"I WAS preparing a Message, to inform you of the cruel MASSACRE of the Indians, in the Work-House of the Borough of Lancaster, on the 27th of last Month, by a wicked and lawless Sett of Rioters, when I received a Message by two of your Members, that you were already made fully acquainted with the Particulars of that horrid Scene of Barbarity, and insolent and daring violation of the Laws."

WIDELY different indeed, Reverend Sirs, is this Description of the Facts from that you have basely imposed on the People in England. You here find the Governor and his Council, who are far more proper Judges of the Matter, than Persons in your clerical Offices,—declare, that these unhappy Indians were "seated on the Manor

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