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An Address to the Rev. Dr. Alison - 24

Governor at Tiagon, a Northern Settlement of Indians, the salutary Effects of this Measure were obvious. Hostilities immediately ceased on our Northern Frontiers, a Stop was put to the most cruel Devastations, and Peace for a Time restored to those unhappy People, which the Province at that Time was unable to procure from any other Measure whatever.

AFTER this the first Treaty at Easton was held; the Trustees of the Friendly Association attended it, and offered their Purse and their Services to the Government; the Governor chearfully accepted their Presents, and gave them to the Indians in their Names, together with another from the Government.

AND, at the second Treaty at Easton, the Trustees again waited on the Governor with a written Address, and offered their Service; he was pleas'd to approve of their Conduct, agreed to accept their Presents, and invited them to attend the Treaty; which they accordingly did, to the Satisfaction of the Governor, with whose Approbation their Presents were at this Time also delivered to the Indians.

THE good Effects of these, with several subsequent Treaties, were soon felt; the Frontier Inhabitants were made easy, many Lives were saved, the Complaints of the Indians against the Proprietors were settled, and a fortunate Issue put to their savage Depredations; which could not otherwise have been effected, without an immense Expence of both Blood and Treasure. Thus benevolent and charitable, and founded on the wisest Policy, were the Presents given by these People, with the Approbation of the Governor, to the Indians, which you, Reverend Sirs, have basely represented as proceeding from a greater Respect and Regard for the Enemy, than for the People of the Province.

THAT the Indians have had frequent just Causes of Complaint against the Proprietaries and their Agents, may be seen in a Pamphlet written in Pennsylvania, and

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