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Account of the return of three white prisoners, May 20, 1760 - 4

Woods everywhere,                                          Gave a String of Wampum &
            delivered to Frederick Post & Teedyusung three Captives
a Boy nam’d Jacob                             from Tulphocken
a Woman nam’d Mary                                       born at Bedford New England.
a Girl named                                            a low Dtuch girl her parents live at
      the minisinks her Father’s  Name is Peter.

The Children cry’d as if the would die when they were presented to us.
These People brought them from others who took them Captive.
            I am glad to hear of that good Peace, that it is well established
 I heartily join in it & desire to live in Peace, Hearken Brother, I
pray you would have some Pity on us & lett us have no strong
- Liquor at all there, all we that live at the Place called Mahachlousing
& if any of our young men should come down ask them where they
came from, & when they say they came from Mahachlousing I pray
you not to give them a drop of Liquor & I hope you will hear us.
                                                                 Gave A String of Wampum

            As hitherto we have come cleverly along our Company consists of 14
in number, I beg heartily to be excused from writing anymore and I
beg to be remembered to all Gentle People
                                    I remain in your most humble & obedient Servant
                                                                                     Frederick Post
The Reason why I break off from writing so soon is our Horses are
ready & they call us once more together to have a meeting.
            I remain with Respect your Honor’s humble & obedient Servant.

[Transcribed by Abigail Ayers]

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