A Letter from Batista Angeloni - 7
I am yours mostly affectionately.
The Cloven-Foot Discovered.
Pray, worthy Friends! observe the Text,
Get Money first, and Virtue next.-----
Nought makes our Carolina Curs
To bark and lie, but Skins and Furs.
Go on good Christians, never spare
To give your Indians Clothes to wear;
Send ‘em good Beef, and Pork, and Bread,
Guns, Powder, Flints, and store of Lead,
To Shoot your Neighbours through the Head;
Devoutly then, make Affirmation,
You’re Friends to George and British Nation;
Encourage every friendly Savage,
To murder, burn, destroy, and ravage;
Fathers and Mothers here maintain,
Whose Sons add Numbers to the slain,
Of Scotch and Irish let them kill,
As many Thousands as they will,
That you may lord it o’er the Land,
And have the whole and sole command,
Leave back Inhabitants to starve,
No Love, no Pity, they deserve;