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A Humble Attempt at Scurrility - 42

This, this is he, who scruples not to go
Upon the Bench, durante placito;
For well he knows, he scarce an Hour should sit,
If the Law was quam bene gesserit.

In Scandal sure the Devil can’t go higher
Than what’s invented by this foul-mouth’d Squire:
Tho’ none but Fools the Mudbrain will believe,
He still has Hopes the Publick to deceive.

Here it should not be forgot, that D-ve, to shew his Gratitude (for he is as grateful as his Colleague Dr. S—h) to so good a Customer, toss’d him a Miniature Portrait of JOHNNY BOY into the Bargain, viz.

See Tickets bought by John with Spanish Dollar,
Whose Father well deserves a hempen Collar.
And if we may presage from what is done,
No less may be expected from the Son.


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