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A Dialogue Between Andrew Trueman and Thomas Zealot - 5

foucht the Quackers, as well as the Heathens.
A. But did you think it recht, Tom, to kill the Women and the Weans?
T. Some of us did not, as soon as auld Saunders Kent that (you know he has been an Elder this thirty Year) when he gaid [sic] about Duty, the Night before, he sung the 137 Psalm, where it says, “happy surely shall he be, they tender little ones, who shall lay hold upon, and them shall dash against the Stones.” And he read the 15. Chapter of I Samuel.
A. So you did all this in the Name of the Lord.
T. Aye, to be sure. We were aw Presbyterians. But that wild Chiel, Charly Breulluchan shot an Indian’s Doug, while auld Saunder’s was saying Grace till half a Pint of Whusky. I doubt he has the Pope, or the Heegh-Kirk in his Guts.

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